Caboolture Private Hospital Pioneering Fat Stem Cell Transfer
Feb 03, 2013
Caboolture Private Hospital is excited and privileged to pioneer Fat Stem Cell Transfer, a new technology in reconstructive plastic surgery.
Dr David Chin, FRACS (Plast) is the first Plastic Surgeon in Australia to access this new technology. Dr David Chin is highly regarded by his peers for his postgraduate interest and study in reconstructive surgery and tissue regeneration.
The Cytori Celution system enables the surgeon to extract and deliver, via a sterile automated processing device, large numbers of regenerative stem cells in a single surgical procedure.
The benefits of this to the patient is that their own tissue may be used in reconstructive surgery to replace tissue bulk and correct aesthetic defects from prior surgery.
By using the patient’s own fat tissue and stem cells, the transferred tissue establishes a blood supply capillary network with existing tissue, maintain shape and form, is less like to atrophy that usually occurs in other tissue transfer techniques.
Caboolture Private Hospital commenced pioneering this work with Dr Chin in January of this year and this new technology will be profiled by Dr Chin at the Australasian Plastic Surgery Conference in Darwin in July of this year.
There are also cosmetic applications for this surgery in facial rejuvenation and breast augmentation, however the primary benefits are in reconstructive surgery and emerging applications
in other surgical specialties such as urology, orthopaedics and trials are currently underway overseas in early cardiac infarct intervention.
The staff at Caboolture Private are really excited to be at the forefront of introducing a brand new technology to Australia.
It proves that across Ramsay, groundbreaking innovation occurs at hospitals of all shapes and sizes, not just at our large flag ship hospitals!
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